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We are a network of Socially Responsible people and businesses throughout the world whose mission is to make every community Self-Reliant by giving every person on this planet access to the tools, resources and funds they need to sustainably rebuild their lives...
... regardless of their age, gender, sexuality, creed, mental or physical disability, financial situation or political persuasion...
... and without reliance on any immediate or future governmental or big business funding.
We are a network of Socially Responsible people and businesses throughout the world whose mission is to make every community Self-Reliant by giving every person on this planet access to the tools, resources and funds they need to sustainably rebuild their lives...
... regardless of their age, gender, sexuality, creed, mental or physical disability, financial situation or political persuasion...
... and without reliance on any immediate or future governmental or big business funding.
Our Commitment...
... is to ensure that…
* 100% of the revenue we generate from our Social Investment Programs is invested in our Member's nominated
* 100% of that revenue gets to that Community;
* 100% of that revenue is managed and accounted for by CTB approved women in that Community; and...
* Everyone in that Community gets access to, and the maximum benefit from, our Programs.
Community Team Builders, 2014